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Herald-Online FAQ

This page is intended for subscribers to Herald-Online.  If you are a user of JSH-Online, please visit the FAQ page here:


What is Herald-Online?
Herald-Online is the official online home of The Herald of Christian Science.  It is available to those who have a print subscription of the Herald and to subscribers of JSH-Online.  The Herald pages provide digital access to all of the current print and audio content published by the Herald, as well as access to a searchable digital archive of all Herald content, beginning with the first issue of Der Herold der Christian Science in 1903.

What languages are the Heralds available in?

  • Four monthly print and online magazines (German, French, Spanish and Portuguese) are available with a JSH-Online subscription or any Herald print subscription and ten online Heralds which are made available for free (see full list below).
  • Print Heralds:
    • Deutsch (German)
    • Español (Spanish)
    • Français (French)
    • Português (Portuguese)
  • Online Heralds:
    • Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
    • Dansk (Danish)
    • Italiano (Italian)
    • Nederlands (Dutch)
    • Norsk (Norwegian)
    • Suomi (Finnish)
    • Svenska (Swedish)
    • Ελληνικά (Greek)
    • Русский (Russian)
    • 日本語 (Japanese)

Can non-subscribers access any of the Herald content?  Where is this content found?
Yes.  Non-subscribers can: 

  • read selected articles, as well as listen to audio content, featured on the Herald public homepage.
  • browse the entire Herald archive (a subscription is required in order to read full articles).
  • read or listen to anything shared with them by a Herald subscriber through the integrated e-mail, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter features.

What are the steps for subscribing to Herald-Online?
To use Herald-Online, you must have either 1) a subscription to the print Heralds or 2) a subscription to JSH-Online.  To subscribe to the print Heralds, please visit this website:  To subscribe to JSH-Online and gain access to all English content as well as all Herald content, please visit this website:  Click here to activate your account.

Can Christian Science Reading Rooms subscribe to Herald-Online?
No, there is not an institutional subscription for Herald-Online.  However, Reading Rooms can get an institutional subscription to JSH-Online, which includes all the JournalSentinel, and Herald content.  An institutional subscription to JSH-Online costs $30.00 per month. This institutional subscription can be used on two computers or devices within a Reading Room or church.  Click here for more information (in English) and to subscribe.

How do I update my print subscription information?
Click on the “my account” link, found at the top-right of any page of the site.  On the right side of this page, you’ll notice a button near the top that says “Manage print subscription”.

How do I edit information about my Herald-Online account?
Click on the “my account” link, found at the top-right of any page of the site. From this page, you can:

  • change the name or nickname that will appear on your comments.
  • change the password for your account.
  • change the email address associated with your account.
  • set your preferred language for use on the site.

From the “My Account” page, you can also:

  • manage your print subscription information.
  • view and edit your list of saved bookmarks.
  • manage notifications that the site sends via email, including subscribing/unsubscribing to newsletters.

What are the system requirements for using Herald-Online? Which devices can be used?
Any desktop computer, laptop, smartphone, or tablet with an Internet connection can access Herald-Online. The device you use must have a way to navigate the Internet, such as an Internet browser (e.g. Safari, Firefox, Explorer, Google Chrome).  We recommend the latest version of each browser.  Your browser settings must be set to "accept" cookies in order to log in.

Can you tell me more about privacy and security on Herald-Online?
Please refer to the Herald-Online Privacy Policy for detailed information.

Where can I learn more about how subscribers are allowed to use content, including sharing articles and linking to Herald-Online?
Please refer to the Herald-Online Terms of Service.

Can I share the use of my account with someone else?
We ask that you do not share your password with others.  The website provides sharing tools, and we ask that you make use of the email, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter buttons to share the site content with others.  For more information please see the Terms of Service.

Does the CSPS know who I share articles with?
No.  That information is not collected by the CSPS.


If I find a typing error or other problem with the content, how can I report it?
If you notice typographical or formatting errors, we encourage you to let us know by clicking on the “Send a comment to the editors” link at the bottom of every article. Then, fill out the form and submit it. If you identify the problem clearly we will review your suggestion and make the correction as soon as possible.

I'm having technical problems with accessing Herald-Online. What can I do?
Here are a few basic tips which solve most access problems:

  • Please try clearing your internet browser cache and double check to make sure cookies are enabled for your browser.
  • Double check to make sure your are logged in.
  • Make sure you are using the latest version of Safari, Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox to access the site.  If one browser isn’t working, try a different browser.

I’m having trouble downloading from Herald-Online.  What can I do?
Here are a few basic tips which solve most downloading problems:

  • Remember, only content published in the last 90 days is available for subscribers to download.
  • Please note that the ePub format works best for mobile devices and tablets; while the mobi format is specifically for the Kindle.
  • When downloading audio, you may need to right-click + “save as” on the word “Download” and save the file manually.
  • If you are having difficulty downloading to a mobile device, you may have better success downloading to a computer, and then syncing to your device.

None of these tips worked for me—what else can I do?
You can contact us directly.  Click “Contact Us” at the bottom of any page.


How does the Herald-Online search engine work?
At the top right of every Herald-Online web page, you can find the Search box ("Explore the Herald").  To begin a new search from any page, type your search words into the box and press the "Enter" key on your keyboard.
Basic information about searching:

  • A keyword search searches every word in the JSH-Online database, including titles, authors, and the full text of every article.
  • Search is not case-sensitive
  • Using multiple words in your search will return results that contain all of those words.
  • When a search is performed, only results for the exact search terms will appear.

Searching tips:

  • Using quotation marks around your search words will show results in which those words appear together in a phrase.
  • Inserting an asterisk (*) allows you to search for word variations.  For example, searching: spirit* will also return results for spiritual, spirituality, etc.
  • The Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT) can be used in Herald-Online searches.

How do I narrow my search? (Advanced Search)
A link to “Advanced Search” can be found at the top right of any page.  From here, you can narrow your results in several ways. You can:

  • search within the Title or Author fields
  • set a Date Range
  • choose the Publication
  • select the media Format, Article Type, and Audience (general or for-youth/for-kids)
  • indicate how recently the results you want were Published
  • choose how many Items Per Page will appear on the search results page.

You can use more than one of these options at a time.
How do I narrow my search? (Filters)
Once you have performed a search, you can narrow the results by "filtering" them.  On the right of the search results page, you’ll notice a grey toolbar labeled “Refine your search”. This toolbar organizes your search results into various categories.
To use “Refine your search”, simply click on one of the blue categories on the toolbar. Your Search Results page will be filtered by your choice, only showing you the results that fit within that category. You can apply more than one filter at a time.
To remove filters that are in use, click the [x] next to the filter you wish to remove.


What does it mean to bookmark an article?  How do I do it?
Bookmarking an article allows you to mark it for later retrieval.  To bookmark article or audio content, click the bookmark button, found on the grey toolbar at the beginning and end of every article.  To access your bookmarks, click “my account” at the top-right of any page, then click “Manage bookmarks” on the right.
How can I change the text size for the article I'm reading?  
Click the “AAA” button on the grey toolbar above the article.  
How can I print articles?
Click the “Print” button on the grey toolbar.  
How does sharing work?
You can digitally share the site content with any individual through email, Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter. To share an article, click on the email button (envelope) or Facebook, WhatsApp, or Twitter buttons.  
How can I move to the next article in an issue?
Above and below each article in an issue, you’ll notice left and right navigation arrows.  Clicking on these arrows will take you to the previous article or the next article in the issue.
Can I see the article I'm reading in its original form from the print periodicals?
Yes.  Between the left and right arrows mentioned above you will notice a symbol that resembles an open book.  This button opens a new window that will display an image of the original article.
What email newsletters does Herald-Online provide?
Herald-Online provides the monthly newsletter “This Month”.  To opt out of receiving this newsletter, click “my account” at the top-right of any page, then click “Manage notifications and newsletters”.
Where can I find the Journal directory?
Click the “Directory” link at the top-right of every page
How can I submit an article or testimony to be published in the Herald?
Click the “Submit” link in the footer area of the site and follow the instructions on the submission page.

Häroldens syfte

År 1903 grundade Mary Baker Eddy tidskriften The Herald of Christian Science med ändamålet “att kungöra Sanningens universella aktivitet och tillgänglighet”. En ordbok definierar ”härold” som ”föregångare − en budbärare som skickas i förväg för att tala om vad som skall komma”. Denna definition ger en speciell mening åt namnet Härold. Den pekar dessutom på vår förpliktelse – en förpliktelse som gäller var och en av oss − att se till att vår tidskrift Härold uppfyller sitt syfte. Detta syfte är oskiljbart från Kristus. Och det var Jesus som först nämnde det (Markus 16:15) när han sade: ”Gå ut överallt i världen och förkunna evangeliet för hela skapelsen.”

Mary Sands Lee, Christian Science Sentinel, July 7, 1956

Lär dig mer om Härolden och dess syfte.